Teresa Margolles

La Promesa, 2012
Author: María Inés Rodríguez

UNAM, MUAC, Mexico

Publisher: UNAM, MUAC, Mexico.

The installation "The Promise" by Teresa Margolles (b. Mexico 1963) is inspired in broken promises. The whole creative project consisted in its first phase, in working with one of the abandoned houses of social interest constructed by the government of Ciudad Jurez in the middle of the desert. The empty house was bought, dismantled and the crushed parts transported in 11 days to Mexico City (opposite to the illegal immigration flows), where the material was recomposed to create an installation that reflects on the loss of personal patrimony as a result of violence, economic crisis and unemployment. The present catalogue is a graphic chronicle of the deconstruction process and transportation of the house, and the later installation operation for the exhibition in MUCA. "The Promise is the result of the years that I have been working in Ciudad Juárez, of the experience of my involvement with the city, not only in an emotional level, but also in a visual level. Of having seen how certain zones began a process of growth and later, a process of destruction."